BMeasure-lib 1.1.0 |
BMeasureApi::BMeasure Member List
This is the complete list of members for BMeasureApi::BMeasure, including all inherited members.
alarmsClear(const BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
alarmsClearServe(const BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
BMeasure(Bool threaded=0, BUInt reqSize=512) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
BoapMc1Comms(Bool threaded=0, BUInt reqSize=512) | BoapMc1Comms | |
calibrate(const CalibrateInfo &calibInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
calibrateServe(const CalibrateInfo &calibInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
changePassword(const BString &userid, const BString &oldPassword, const BString &newPassword) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
changePasswordServe(const BString &userid, const BString &oldPassword, const BString &newPassword) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
factoryReset(const Bool &bootLoader, const Bool &resetConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
factoryResetServe(const Bool &bootLoader, const Bool &resetConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileClose(const BUInt32 &handle) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileCloseServe(const BUInt32 &handle) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileDelete(const BString &name) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileDeleteServe(const BString &name) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileList(const BString &path, const BUInt32 &pos, FileInfo &fileInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileListServe(const BString &path, const BUInt32 &pos, FileInfo &fileInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileOpen(const BString &name, const BString &mode, BUInt32 &handle) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileOpenServe(const BString &name, const BString &mode, BUInt32 &handle) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileRead(const BUInt32 &handle, const BUInt32 &pos, const BUInt32 &len, FileData &data) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileReadServe(const BUInt32 &handle, const BUInt32 &pos, const BUInt32 &len, FileData &data) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
filesysDelete(const BString &path, const FilesysDeleteType &deleteType) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
filesysDeleteServe(const BString &path, const FilesysDeleteType &deleteType) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
filesysInfo(const BString &path, FilesysInfo &filesysInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
filesysInfoServe(const BString &path, FilesysInfo &filesysInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
fileWrite(const BUInt32 &handle, const BUInt32 &pos, const FileData &data) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
fileWriteServe(const BUInt32 &handle, const BUInt32 &pos, const FileData &data) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
functionUnLock(const BUInt32 &unlocks, const BString &key) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
functionUnLockServe(const BUInt32 &unlocks, const BString &key) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getApiVersion() | BoapMc1Comms | |
getAwgConfig(const Bool &saved, AwgConfig &awgConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getAwgConfigServe(const Bool &saved, AwgConfig &awgConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getBoardConfig(BoardConfig &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getBoardConfigServe(BoardConfig &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getChannelConfig(const BUInt32 &channelNumber, ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getChannelConfigServe(const BUInt32 &channelNumber, ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getConfig(Configuration &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getConfigServe(Configuration &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getDigital(BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getDigitalServe(BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getInfoBlock(InfoBlock &infoBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getInfoBlockServe(InfoBlock &infoBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getInformation(Information &info) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getInformationServe(Information &info) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getMeasurementConfig(const Bool &saved, MeasurementConfig &measurementConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getMeasurementConfigServe(const Bool &saved, MeasurementConfig &measurementConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getNodeInfo(NodeInfo &nodeInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getNodeInfoServe(NodeInfo &nodeInfo) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getStatus(NodeStatus &nodeStatus) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getStatusServe(NodeStatus &nodeStatus) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
getSwitch(const BUInt32 &switchNum, Bool &state) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
getSwitchServe(const BUInt32 &switchNum, Bool &state) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
login(const BString &userid, const BString &password) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
loginServe(const BString &userid, const BString &password) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
logout() | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
logoutServe() | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
measure(const DataType &dataType, DataBlock &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
measureServe(const DataType &dataType, DataBlock &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
oaddressFrom | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
oaddressTo | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
oapiVersion | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
ocomms | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
oerror | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
ohalfDuplex | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
olockCall | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
olockTx | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketRpcCmd | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketRpcDoneSema | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketRpcSema | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketRx | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketRxBase | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketTx | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
opacketTxBase | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
oreqSize | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
othreaded | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
otimeout | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
packetRx() | BoapMc1Comms | |
packetRxData(void *data, BUInt nBytes) | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
packetRxEnd() | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
packetTx(BDataChunk *chunks, BUInt nChunks, BUInt16 waitCmdReply) | BoapMc1Comms | protected |
processRequest() | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
BoapMc1Comms::processRequest(BTimeout timeoutUs=BTimeoutForever) | BoapMc1Comms | protectedvirtual |
processRequests(BTimeout timeoutUs=BTimeoutForever) | BoapMc1Comms | protectedvirtual |
processRx(BTimeout timeoutUs=BTimeoutForever) | BoapMc1Comms | virtual |
runBoardTest(const BString &test) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
runBoardTestServe(const BString &test) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendChannelConfig(const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendChannelConfigServe(const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendData(const DataBlock &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendDataEnable(const BUInt8 &sendSet) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendDataEnableServe(const BUInt8 &sendSet) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendDataServe(const DataBlock &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendInfo(const InfoBlock &infoBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendInfoServe(const InfoBlock &infoBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendMessage(const BUInt32 &source, const BString &message) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendMessageServe(const BUInt32 &source, const BString &message) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendStatus(const NodeStatus &nodeStatus) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendStatusServe(const NodeStatus &nodeStatus) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
sendTime(const BTimeUs &time) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
sendTimeServe(const BTimeUs &time) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setAddress(BUInt16 addressTo, BUInt16 addressFrom) | BoapMc1Comms | |
setAnalogueOut(const BUInt32 &chan, const BFloat32 &value) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setAnalogueOutServe(const BUInt32 &chan, const BFloat32 &value) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setAwgConfig(const Bool &save, const AwgConfig &awgConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setAwgConfigServe(const Bool &save, const AwgConfig &awgConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setAwgWaveform(const BUInt32 &chan, const BUInt32 &pos, const FileData &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setAwgWaveformServe(const BUInt32 &chan, const BUInt32 &pos, const FileData &dataBlock) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setBoardConfig(const BoardConfig &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setBoardConfigServe(const BoardConfig &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setChannelConfig(const BUInt32 &channelNumber, const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setChannelConfigFull(const BUInt64 &key, const BUInt32 &channelNumber, const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setChannelConfigFullServe(const BUInt64 &key, const BUInt32 &channelNumber, const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setChannelConfigServe(const BUInt32 &channelNumber, const ChannelConfig &channelConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setComms(BComms &comms) | BoapMc1Comms | |
setComms(BComms *comms) | BoapMc1Comms | |
setCommsMode(Bool halfDuplex) | BoapMc1Comms | |
setConfig(const Configuration &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setConfigServe(const Configuration &config) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setDigital(const BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setDigitalServe(const BUInt32 &bits) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setMeasurementConfig(const Bool &save, const MeasurementConfig &measurementConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setMeasurementConfigServe(const Bool &save, const MeasurementConfig &measurementConfig) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setMode(const Mode &mode) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setModeServe(const Mode &mode) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setRelay(const BUInt32 &relayNum, const Bool &state) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
setRelayServe(const BUInt32 &relayNum, const Bool &state) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
setTimeout(BUInt32 timeoutUs) | BoapMc1Comms | |
wifiAccesspointInfo(const BUInt32 &id, WifiAccessPoint &accessPoint) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
wifiAccesspointInfoServe(const BUInt32 &id, WifiAccessPoint &accessPoint) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
wifiAccesspointNum(BUInt32 &numFound) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
wifiAccesspointNumServe(BUInt32 &numFound) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
wifiCommand(const WifiCmd &wifiCmd) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | |
wifiCommandServe(const WifiCmd &wifiCmd) | BMeasureApi::BMeasure | virtual |
~BoapMc1Comms() | BoapMc1Comms | virtual |
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