Beam-lib 2.15.1 |
Beam-lib Documentation
- Version
- 2.15.1
- Date
- 2019-10-14
The Beam Beam-lib C++ class library provides a base library for developing real-time and other applications with multi-processor and multi-host support. The Bmeam-lib system has the following features:
- Simple Object based development.
- Simple Object base library for Strings, Lists, Network access etc.
- Support for multi-threaded applications with Mutex Objects etc.
- Usable from C++ and Python.
- IDL based object creation tool allows easy creation of C++ and Python objects from IDL language.
- IDL provides the ability to create SQL database schema automatically.
- Database access that allows BDEV Objects to be stored.
- BOAP (Beam Object Access Protocol) provides a simple, low overhead protocol, that allows access to remote objects using an RPC mechanism.
- Database access via a layer that allows simultaineous access to different database systems including MYSQL and BEAM BDEV native object database.
- Concept of Object domains.
The beam-lib system is split into the following libraries:
- LibBeam: This is the base class library containing the base 'C++' classes.
- LibBeamPy: This contains Python components to allow access to the BEAM class library from Python (limited access).
- Bidl: The BEAM BDEV IDL compiler. This takes Object definitions and Interface definitions and creates C++ and Python objects to implement them.
API Examples
Some simple client examples are listed below:
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